26 resultados para Ataxias espinocerebelares


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As ataxias espinocerebelares (SCAs) constituem um grupo de doenças neurodegenerativas fatais que apresentam uma grande heterogeneidade clínica. A doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ), ou ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 3 (SCA3), é causada por uma expansão de uma seqüência repetitiva CAG em um gene, denominado MJD1, localizado no braço longo do cromossomo 14, expansão codificadora de uma seqüência poliglutamínica constituinte da proteína ataxina 3. Indivíduos normais apresentam entre 12 a 41 repetições, enquanto indivíduos afetados apresentam 61 a 84 repetições CAGs neste gene. Este trabalho teve como objetivos principais a padronização de metodologias moleculares para o identificação e a quantificação do número de repetições CAG no gene responsável pela da DMJ. Um grupo de 112 pacientes, pertencentes a 77 famílias, com suspeita clínica de algum tipo de ataxia espinocerebelar foi avaliado no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Após a extração de DNA destes pacientes, este material foi amplificado por PCR utilizando oligonucleotídeos iniciadores específicos para a região de interesse e posterior transferência destes fragmentos (1) para uma membrana de nylon pelo método de Southern blot, visando ao estabelecimento de um protocolo não-radioativo para detectar a presença do alelo normal e/ou mutante; e (2) análise em gel de poliacrilamida para quantificação do número de repetições presentes no alelo mutante. As análises laboratoriais identificaram um total de 77 pacientes com uma expansão CAG no gene da MJD1. Considerando-se apenas indivíduos não relacionados, a freqüência encontrada foi de 61% (47 indivíduos). Os protocolos estabelecidos demonstraram-se bastante eficazes e sensíveis para o diagnóstico da DMJ e quantificação do alelo expandido da respectiva doença.


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Uusi hermoston rappeumasairaus MIRAS: Suomessa kantajia joka 125. väestöstä Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on kuvattu uusi peittyvästi periytyvä hermoston rappeumasairaus, MIRAS (mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndrome), ja sen geenitausta. Tauti osoittautui tutkimuksessamme Suomen yleisimmäksi perinnölliseksi ataksiasairaudeksi. Tutkimuksessa on tutkittu perinnöllisiä aivosairauksia, joissa yhtenä oireena on ataksia (kävelyn epävarmuus, tasapainovaikeus ja liikkeiden haparointi), sekä lukuisia muita aivojen toimintahäiriöstä johtuvia oireita. Seuloessamme suomalaisilta ataksiapotilailta MIRAS-geenivirhettä, 27 potilasta sai diagnoosin aikaisemmin tuntemattomalle, etenevälle ataksiasairaudelleen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kyseisen geenivirheen DNA-diagnostiikka on otettu käyttöön suomalaisissa ja eurooppalaisissa laboratorioissa, ja toista sataa potilasta ympäri maailman on saanut diagnoosin. Suomen väestössä joka 125. kantaa MIRAS geenivirhettä, mutta taudin saa vain, jos perii geenivirheen molemmilta vanhemmiltaan. MIRAS on taudinkuvaltaan vaihteleva, mutta vaikea etenevä neurologinen sairaus. Useilla potilailla esiintyvät oireet ovat ataksia, puheen puuromaisuus (dysartria), ääreishermorappeuma (neuropatia), pakkoliikkeet, psykiatriset oireet sekä vaikea epilepsia. Erityisen tärkeää MIRAS-taudin tunnistaminen on siihen liittyvän epilepsian hoitopäätöksessä: valproaatti-lääkitys voi aiheuttaa MIRAS-potilaille vaikean maksavaurion. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksena selvisi, että kaikki suomalaiset, norjalaiset, belgialaiset, englantilaiset, australialaiset ja uusi-seelantilaiset MIRAS potilaat olivat kaukaista sukua samalle, tuhansia vuosia sitten eläneelle eurooppalaiselle esivanhemmalle. Ataksiasairauksien tautimekanismeja selvitimme tutkimalla MIRAS-ataksiaa ja sitä muistuttavaa IOSCA sairautta (infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia), jonka aiheuttaa peittyvästi periytyvä geenivirhe Twinkle-geenissä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin myös uusi, Twinkle-geenin geenivirheestä johtuva taudinkuva: vaikea-asteinen, varhaisella iällä alkava aivosairaus, jossa on lisäksi viitteitä maksasairaudesta. Löysimme potilaiden aivoista muutoksia mitokondrioiden eli solun voimalaitosten perimän määrässä. Nämä tulokset antavat arvokasta lisätietoa ataksiasairauksien taustalla olevista muutoksista, joiden ymmärtäminen on välttämätön edellytys hoitomahdollisuuksien tutkimiselle tulevaisuudessa.


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Over 25 autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxias have been isolated over the last decade. The recognition of paediatric ataxia phenotypes and, in addition, other movement disorders including hereditary choreiform and parkinsonian syndromes, has improved our knowledge of these diseases. Advances in molecular genetics has allowed fuller delineation and better recognition of these diseases. (C) 2003 European Paediatric Neurology Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Descripción de las ataxias heredodegenerativas con énfasis en la semiología general de este tipo de enfermedades y la fisiopatología de los grandes grupos de ataxias.


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The main clinical manifestations of the spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) result from the involvement of the cerebellum and its connections. Cerebellar activity has been consistently observed in functional imaging studies of olfaction, but the anatomical pathways responsible for this connection have not yet been elucidated. Previous studies have demonstrated olfactory deficit in SCA2, Friedreich's ataxia and in small groups of ataxia of diverse aetiology. The authors used a validated version of the 16-item smell identification test from Sniffin' Sticks (SS-16) was used to evaluate 37 patients with genetically determined autosomal dominant ataxia, and 31 with familial ataxia of unknown genetic basis. This data was also compared with results in 106 Parkinson's disease patients and 218 healthy controls. The SS-16 score was significantly lower in ataxia than in the control group (p<0.001, 95% CI for beta=0.55 to 1.90) and significantly higher in ataxia than in Parkinson's disease (p<0.001, 95% CI for beta=-4.58 to -3.00) when adjusted for age (p=0.001, 95% CI for beta=-0.05 to -0.01), gender (p=0.19) and history of tobacco use (p=0.41). When adjusted for general cognitive function, no significant difference was found between the ataxia and control groups. This study confirms previous findings of mild hyposmia in ataxia, and further suggests this may be due to general cognitive deficits rather than specific olfactory problems.


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Neurodegenerative disorders are heterogenous in nature and include a range of ataxias with oculomotor apraxia, which are characterised by a wide variety of neurological and ophthalmological features. This family includes recessive and dominant disorders. A subfamily of autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias are characterised by defects in the cellular response to DNA damage. These include the well characterised disorders Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) and Ataxia-Telangiectasia Like Disorder (A-TLD) as well as the recently identified diseases Spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy Type 1 (SCAN1), Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 2 (AOA2), as well as the subject of this thesis, Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 1 (AOA1). AOA1 is caused by mutations in the APTX gene, which is located at chromosomal locus 9p13. This gene codes for the 342 amino acid protein Aprataxin. Mutations in APTX cause destabilization of Aprataxin, thus AOA1 is a result of Aprataxin deficiency. Aprataxin has three functional domains, an N-terminal Forkhead Associated (FHA) phosphoprotein interaction domain, a central Histidine Triad (HIT) nucleotide hydrolase domain and a C-terminal C2H2 zinc finger. Aprataxins FHA domain has homology to FHA domain of the DNA repair protein 5’ polynucleotide kinase 3’ phosphatase (PNKP). PNKP interacts with a range of DNA repair proteins via its FHA domain and plays a critical role in processing damaged DNA termini. The presence of this domain with a nucleotide hydrolase domain and a DNA binding motif implicated that Aprataxin may be involved in DNA repair and that AOA1 may be caused by a DNA repair deficit. This was substantiated by the interaction of Aprataxin with proteins involved in the repair of both single and double strand DNA breaks (XRay Cross-Complementing 1, XRCC4 and Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase-1) and the hypersensitivity of AOA1 patient cell lines to single and double strand break inducing agents. At the commencement of this study little was known about the in vitro and in vivo properties of Aprataxin. Initially this study focused on generation of recombinant Aprataxin proteins to facilitate examination of the in vitro properties of Aprataxin. Using recombinant Aprataxin proteins I found that Aprataxin binds to double stranded DNA. Consistent with a role for Aprataxin as a DNA repair enzyme, this binding is not sequence specific. I also report that the HIT domain of Aprataxin hydrolyses adenosine derivatives and interestingly found that this activity is competitively inhibited by DNA. This provided initial evidence that DNA binds to the HIT domain of Aprataxin. The interaction of DNA with the nucleotide hydrolase domain of Aprataxin provided initial evidence that Aprataxin may be a DNA-processing factor. Following these studies, Aprataxin was found to hydrolyse 5’adenylated DNA, which can be generated by unscheduled ligation at DNA breaks with non-standard termini. I found that cell extracts from AOA1 patients do not have DNA-adenylate hydrolase activity indicating that Aprataxin is the only DNA-adenylate hydrolase in mammalian cells. I further characterised this activity by examining the contribution of the zinc finger and FHA domains to DNA-adenylate hydrolysis by the HIT domain. I found that deletion of the zinc finger ablated the activity of the HIT domain against adenylated DNA, indicating that the zinc finger may be required for the formation of a stable enzyme-substrate complex. Deletion of the FHA domain stimulated DNA-adenylate hydrolysis, which indicated that the activity of the HIT domain may be regulated by the FHA domain. Given that the FHA domain is involved in protein-protein interactions I propose that the activity of Aprataxins HIT domain may be regulated by proteins which interact with its FHA domain. We examined this possibility by measuring the DNA-adenylate hydrolase activity of extracts from cells deficient for the Aprataxin-interacting DNA repair proteins XRCC1 and PARP-1. XRCC1 deficiency did not affect Aprataxin activity but I found that Aprataxin is destabilized in the absence of PARP-1, resulting in a deficiency of DNA-adenylate hydrolase activity in PARP-1 knockout cells. This implies a critical role for PARP-1 in the stabilization of Aprataxin. Conversely I found that PARP-1 is destabilized in the absence of Aprataxin. PARP-1 is a central player in a number of DNA repair mechanisms and this implies that not only do AOA1 cells lack Aprataxin, they may also have defects in PARP-1 dependant cellular functions. Based on this I identified a defect in a PARP-1 dependant DNA repair mechanism in AOA1 cells. Additionally, I identified elevated levels of oxidized DNA in AOA1 cells, which is indicative of a defect in Base Excision Repair (BER). I attribute this to the reduced level of the BER protein Apurinic Endonuclease 1 (APE1) I identified in Aprataxin deficient cells. This study has identified and characterised multiple DNA repair defects in AOA1 cells, indicating that Aprataxin deficiency has far-reaching cellular consequences. Consistent with the literature, I show that Aprataxin is a nuclear protein with nucleoplasmic and nucleolar distribution. Previous studies have shown that Aprataxin interacts with the nucleolar rRNA processing factor nucleolin and that AOA1 cells appear to have a mild defect in rRNA synthesis. Given the nucleolar localization of Aprataxin I examined the protein-protein interactions of Aprataxin and found that Aprataxin interacts with a number of rRNA transcription and processing factors. Based on this and the nucleolar localization of Aprataxin I proposed that Aprataxin may have an alternative role in the nucleolus. I therefore examined the transcriptional activity of Aprataxin deficient cells using nucleotide analogue incorporation. I found that AOA1 cells do not display a defect in basal levels of RNA synthesis, however they display defective transcriptional responses to DNA damage. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that Aprataxin is a DNA repair enzyme responsible for the repair of adenylated DNA termini and that it is required for stabilization of at least two other DNA repair proteins. Thus not only do AOA1 cells have no Aprataxin protein or activity, they have additional deficiencies in PolyADP Ribose Polymerase-1 and Apurinic Endonuclease 1 dependant DNA repair mechanisms. I additionally demonstrate DNA-damage inducible transcriptional defects in AOA1 cells, indicating that Aprataxin deficiency confers a broad range of cellular defects and highlighting the complexity of the cellular response to DNA damage and the multiple defects which result from Aprataxin deficiency. My detailed characterization of the cellular consequences of Aprataxin deficiency provides an important contribution to our understanding of interlinking DNA repair processes.


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Childhood-onset mitochondrial diseases comprise a heterogeneous group of disorders, which may manifest with almost any symptom and affect any tissue or organ. Due to challenging diagnostics, most children still lack a specific aetiological diagnosis. The aim of this thesis was to find molecular causes for childhood-onset mitochondrial disorders in Finland. We identified the underlying cause for 25 children, and found three new diseases, which had not been diagnosed in Finland before. These diseases caused severe progressive infantile-onset encephalomyopathies, and were due to defects in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance. Furthermore, the thesis provides the molecular background of Finnish patients with ‘leukoencephalopathy with brain stem and spinal cord involvement and elevated brain lactate’ (LBSL). A new phenotype was identified to be due to mutations in Twinkle, resembling ‘infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia’ (IOSCA). These mutations caused mtDNA depletion in the liver, thus confirming the essential role of Twinkle in mtDNA maintenance, and expanding the molecular background of mtDNA depletion syndromes. The major aetiology for infantile mitochondrial myopathy in Finland was discovered to be due to mutations in thymidine kinase 2 (TK2). A novel mutation with Finnish ancestry was identified, and a genotype-phenotype correlation with mutation-specific distribution of tissue involvement was found, thus proving that deficient TK2 may cause multi-tissue depletion and impair neuronal function. This work established the molecular diagnosis and advanced the knowledge of phenotypes among paediatric patients with polymerase gamma (POLG) mutations. The patients showed severe early-onset encephalopathy with intractable epilepsy. POLG mutations are not a prevalent cause of children’s ataxias, although ataxia is a major presenting symptom among adults. Our findings indicate that POLG mutations should be investigated even if typical MRI, histochemical or biochemical abnormalities are lacking. LBSL patients showed considerable variation in phenotype despite identical mutations. A common, most likely European, ancestry, and a relative high carrier frequency of these mutations in Finland were discovered; suggesting that LBSL may be a quite common leukoencephalopathy in other populations as well. The results suggest that MRI findings are so unique that the diagnosis of LBSL is possible to make without genetic studies. This thesis work has resulted in identification of new mitochondrial disorders in Finland, enhancing the understanding of the clinical variability and the importance of tissue-specificity of these disorders. In addition to providing specific diagnosis to the patients, these findings give light to the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms of childhood-onset mitochondrial disorders.


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Purpose: To report a novel maculopathy in a patient with SCA1. To describe autofluorescence findings in family with SCA7 and associated cone-rod retinal dysfunction.Methods: 4 affected patients from two families were assessed to investigate a progressive loss of visual acuity (VA). Examinations included fundus photography, autofluorescence (AF) fundus fluorescein angiogragraphy (FFA) and optical coherence tomography. Electroretinogram (full-field) was performed in 2 affected patients. All patients had color vision testing using Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates. Molecular analysis was performed in family 2.Results: The patient with known diagnosis of SCA1 had a visual acuity of 20/200 bilaterally and dyschromatopsia. He had saccadic pursuit. Fundus examination showed mild retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) changes at the macula. OCT showed bilateral macular serous detachment, which was not obvious at the FFA and explained his VA. AF imaging showed a central hyperfluorescence. The 45 year old proband from family 2 had a visual acuity of 200/20 and dyschromatopsia. ERG testing showed cone type dysfunction of photoreceptors. Her daughter affected at a younger age had the same ERGs findings. Fundus examination showed mild RPE changes in proband, normal findings in her daughter. AF imaging of both patients showed a ring of high density AF around the fovea. The ring was also obvious on near infrared AF. Later onset of gait imbalance led to the diagnosis of SCA7Conclusions: Within the group of spinocerebellar ataxias, only the type 7 is associated with retinal dysfunction. We present the first report of maculopathy associated with SCA1 causing severe vision loss. The ring of high density AF in SCA7 confirmed an early retinal photoreceptor dysfunction in patient with normal fundus.